Add up to 1,000
Addition of two numbers with sum up to 1,000
- AdditionGrade 4
Add up to 10
Addition of two numbers with sum up to 10
- AdditionGrade 1
Add up to 10,000
Addition of two numbers with sum up to 10,000
- AdditionGrade 4
Add up to 100
Addition of two numbers with sum up to 50
- Grade 3Addition
Add up to 100.00
Addition of two numbers, with 2 decimal places, with sum up to 100.0
- AdditionGrade 4
Add up to 100.000
Addition of two numbers, with 3 decimal places, with sum up to 100.0
- AdditionGrade 5
Add up to 1000.000
Addition of two numbers, with 3 decimal places, with sum up to 1000.0
- AdditionGrade 5
Add up to 20
Addition of two numbers with sum up to 20
- AdditionGrade 2
Add up to 20.0
Addition of two numbers, with 1 decimal place, with sum up to 20.0
- AdditionGrade 4
Add up to 20.00
Addition of two numbers, with 2 decimal places, with sum up to 20.0
- AdditionGrade 4
Add up to 30
Addition of two numbers with sum up to 30
- AdditionGrade 2
Add up to 40
Addition of two numbers with sum up to 40
- Grade 3Addition
Add up to 50
Addition of two numbers with sum up to 50
- Grade 3Addition
Add up to 50.0
Addition of two numbers, with 1 decimal place, with sum up to 50.0
- AdditionGrade 4
Division up to 100
Division of two numbers with dividend max of 100
- Grade 3Division
Division up to 121
Division of two numbers with dividend max of 121
- Grade 4Division
Division up to 144
Division of two numbers with dividend max of 144
- Grade 4Division
Division up to 16
Division of two numbers with dividend max of 16
- Grade 3Division
Division up to 20.0
Division of two numbers, with 1 decimal place, with dividend max of 20.0
- Grade 5Division
Division up to 20.00
Division of two numbers, with 2 decimal places, with dividend max of 20.0
- DivisionGrade 6
Division up to 25
Division of two numbers with dividend max of 25
- Grade 3Division
Division up to 36
Division of two numbers with dividend max of 36
- Grade 3Division
Division up to 49
Division of two numbers with dividend max of 49
- Grade 3Division
Division up to 50.0
Division of two numbers, with 1 decimal place, with dividend max of 50.0
- Grade 5Division
Division up to 50.00
Division of two numbers, with 2 decimal places, with dividend max of 50.0
- DivisionGrade 6
Division up to 64
Division of two numbers with dividend max of 64
- Grade 3Division
Division up to 81
Division of two numbers with dividend max of 81
- Grade 3Division
Division up to 9
Division of two numbers with dividend max of 9
- Grade 3Division
Multiply 3-digit X1
Multiplication of 3 digit numbers with 1 digit numbers
- MultiplicationGrade 4
Multiply up to 100
Multiplication of two numbers with product up to 100
- Grade 3Multiplication
Multiply up to 121
Multiplication of two numbers with product up to 50
- MultiplicationGrade 4
Multiply up to 144
Multiplication of two numbers with product up to 144
- MultiplicationGrade 4
Multiply up to 16
Multiplication of two numbers with product up to 16
- Grade 3Multiplication
Multiply up to 20.0
Multiplication of two numbers, with 1 decimal place, with product up to 20.0
- MultiplicationGrade 4
Multiply up to 20.00
Multiplication of two numbers, with 2 decimal places, with product up to 20.0
- MultiplicationGrade 5
Multiply up to 25
Multiplication of two numbers with product up to 25
- Grade 3Multiplication
Multiply up to 36
Multiplication of two numbers with product up to 36
- Grade 3Multiplication
Multiply up to 4
Multiplication of two numbers with product up to 4
- Grade 3Multiplication
Multiply up to 49
Multiplication of two numbers with product up to 49
- Grade 3Multiplication
Multiply up to 50.0
Multiplication of two numbers, with 1 decimal place, with product up to 50.0
- MultiplicationGrade 4
Multiply up to 50.00
Multiplication of two numbers, with 2 decimal places, with product up to 50.0
- MultiplicationGrade 5
Multiply up to 64
Multiplication of two numbers with product up to 64
- Grade 3Multiplication
Multiply up to 81
Multiplication of two numbers with product up to 81
- Grade 3Multiplication
Multiply up to 9
Multiplication of two numbers with product up to 9
- Grade 3Multiplication
Subtract from 10
Subtraction of two numbers with minuend up to 10
- SubtractionGrade 2
Subtract from 10,000.0
Subtraction of two numbers, with 1 decimal places, with minuend up to 10,000.0
- SubtractionGrade 6
Subtract from 100
Subtraction of two numbers with minuend up to 50
- Grade 3Subtraction
Subtract from 100.000
Subtraction of two numbers, with 3 decimal places, with minuend up to 100.000
- SubtractionGrade 5
Subtract from 1000.0
Subtraction of two numbers, with 1 decimal places, with minuend up to 1000.0
- SubtractionGrade 5
Subtract from 20
Subtraction of two numbers with minuend up to 20
- SubtractionGrade 2
Subtract from 20.0
Subtraction of two numbers, with 1 decimal place, with minuend up to 20.0
- Grade 4Subtraction
Subtract from 20.00
Subtraction of two numbers, with 2 decimal places, with minuend up to 20.00
- Grade 4Subtraction
Subtract from 50
Subtraction of two numbers with minuend up to 50
- SubtractionGrade 2
Subtract from 50.0
Subtraction of two numbers, with 1 decimal place, with minuend up to 50.0
- Grade 4Subtraction
Subtract from 50.00
Subtraction of two numbers, with 2 decimal places, with minuend up to 50.00
- Grade 4Subtraction